Tonight [Before The Storm?]

There's so many things that deserve comment today, from rollbacks to social care and poorly thought-out net-zero policies, to Trump and crypto, to Musk, etc. etc., but I'm going to leave that for another day as I'm ranted out. And so, in true OFaH tradition, I leave you for today with a lazy cooking post. Pictured, my first foray into cooking steak in an air-fryer. I also cooked the potatoes in the thing, as well. The sauce was an improvised construct of whatever stuff was left over from Christmas: half an onion languishing in the veg basket, a small [tiny] bottle of prosecco, the remnants of a chicken stock cube, boiling water and - inspiration! - a teaspoon of beef extract. Whilst the steak was cooked to perfection; medium-rare, of course, it lacked the char that comes from pan or griddle frying, which to my book is one of the delights of cooked meat: the very stuff that the health paranoids throw their arms in the air about. If you don't eat red meat that often - and who but the well off can afford the stuff on a regular basis, anyway? - you ain't gonna suffer adverse consequences, so why not just enjoy it when you get the opportunity?


  1. Wot is OFaH when it's at home?

    1. I guess it should have read OfaH, to be fair...

    2. I don't know how much longer I can put up with Google NOT scrolling where I want!
      ES: should have seen it go appoplectic at the typing of the word "Google"!!!!:(


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