The Final Trump...

In pondering what the bejesus to write about this afternoon [as usual], I've been casting around the various news sources that infest Fairview Heights from time to time for ideas. One of the key issues at the moment, of course, is Donald Trump and his impending re-admission to the highest office in the world: one of the scariest thoughts imaginable for millions of Americans, let alone those of us in the rest of the world who will inevitably suffer at the hands of the Orange One, politically and economically. There's a couple of his intended policies/directions that will be pivotal on a global level. The first, of course is sanctions. The second is his absurd alleged intention to make cryptocurrency a federal reserve asset. The former, particularly with regard to China, is weird enough, as he seeks to alienate the world's global manufacturing and trading giant from the US economy: it will be interesting [and disturbing in equal measure, no doubt] to see how he intends to re-fire the flames of his domestic economy in the aftermath of such sanctions. As to his intentions regarding crypto, I can only imagine that his sole aim is a personal and pecuniary one: short term gain for Trump Inc. The basic arithmetic underlying the big beast of crypto - BitCoin - means that mining should theoretically cease in around 2140, although the inbuilt halving system of the rewards accrued from mining each block of BitCoin should mean that the process is actually infinitely long and vanishingly less lucrative and more environmentally-damaging in its progression. Whoever crypto's creator, Satoshi Nakamoto is [or maybe isn't], I would hazard to say he/she/it is the closest thing to a Loki in this modern world: a prankster of global scope and essentially malign intent. Crypto as fiat currency? Sounds more like fucking tulips to me. A crash awaits, and sooner rather than later...


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