Cartoon Characters From Hell
Well, it looks like the nascent bromance between Musk and Farage has already gone south on the whim of the capricious former South African egotist. What a pair of oxygen wasters: the planet's in enough strife without their using valuable and diminishing resources as it is. As to Musk's [why is it that I'm so tempted to call the guy 'Muskie'? Anyone that remembers the cartoon series Deputy Dawg will know to which character I refer] claim to be a major proponent and enabler of free speech via his bastardised X platform; why is it that he routinely cancels anyone that disagrees with his frankly deranged Weltanschauung. But then again, I suppose, he's the boss, and woe betide the naysayers, what ho?
He's just a child in billionaire's raiment; much like infant emperors of past history, elevated to authority before their time: but in his case, there have been no regents acting in loco parentis: his - likewise for that matter, his passkey to the executive bathroom of politics, one Donald the Duck Trump - ascent to the heights has been left entirely to the man-child himself; dumped into this world half-formed, but with a fully-formed fortune with which to play in the sandpit of world politics. Oh, let Joy be Unconfined at the Birth of a Saviour for All Mankind! This last sarcasm - for it be so, if thou hadn'st noticed - would be mildly chuckle-worthy, were it not so close to the very knuckle of bathos: there is no sublime here, and what seems utterly ridiculous is in fact downright dangerous.
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