What Is He On?

Is Elon Musk such an intellectual pygmy - and I hesitate to use the word pygmy, but it's a pithy phrase, all said, and you know that I mean it in its best, satirical, sense - that he would openly support a Neo-Nazi party in Germany in 2024 and imply by extension that he isn't actually aware of what is happening in Europe in general, and Germany in this particular instance with AfD, and its historical significance and resonances? Did he not attend High School and learn any European History? Has he not seen the evidence and end-results of the catastrophe of the rise of Hitler and the Nazi party? Has he not seen the footage of the labour and death camp evacuations after the war ended? Does he believe, like a frightening terrifying number of his fucking 'X' 'platform' users, that none of this shit actually happened? Does he? If so, he needs to grow up, grow a pair and stop smoking GM weed, and then face the realities of the actual fucking world and its sorry history of human fuck-ups and travesties that his like have perpetrated on the rest of us for centuries.

The world can better do without his ilk - powerful, ultra-monied dick-wads - playing infantile games with the rather more serious and impactful sphere of world politics and economics. He is destructive, feckless and, frankly, a baleful influence on too many people: many of whom are out to exploit him and his money, and his playground politicking needs to be reined in before his apparently bottomless financial resources can be put into the service of the deeply troubling and nefarious only too willing to exploit them, whose sole aim is to disrupt the world for their own, base, pecuniary purposes. It happened in the Thirties. And it will happen again, if shitheads like Musk are allowed to operate unfettered. Trust me. Somebody needs to put a lid on these people...


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