'Twas On The Eve...
Looking back on previous Christmas Eve posts, they seem seem to be diverse in their content and scope, to say the very least: 2022 in particular has a few hundred words to say about chess and heavy engineering in the Indian subcontinent: go figure. Revisiting it this evening, it actually doesn't seem five minutes since I wrote the piece, but there you go, and I'll say only this for now: I don't intend such expansiveness tonight; I'm in the middle of making stock and getting the logistics for tomorrow's festive repast together. We've got the presents wrapped and under the tree, and an approximate plan for tomorrow's meal. As always, it'll either work or it won't: but by the time we sit down to eat, the occasion and the company, as always, will trump any epicurean considerations that might obtain. Nos da for now, and Nadolig Llawen, people...
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