So This Is...
I can't bear to write anything about current events today as there is so little cheer to any of it: even the positives are caveated, as in the case of the fall of Assad. What comes next in Syria could be equally horrendous or worse still, given the overthrowing rebel's origins. Even the bleedin' [high] Christian church presents itself as an utterly dysfunctional, self-serving institution [no surprises, I know] at the very time of the year when they as Christians are celebrating the season of goodwill to all men [sic], and the birth of the prophet Jesus [just being even-handed]. I suggest that neither the institution of Christmas nor its capitalistic counterpart and its nihilistic consumption ethic are really what this tiresomely gloomy time of the year should be about.
It's a time of change and the turn of the year towards Spring and renewal for another cycle. I am always grateful for the passing of the shortest day and looking forward to what the next year will bring. It's also the time when friends and family celebrate their companionship, despite the travails of an increasingly chaotic world around them. I'm a glass-half-full optimist: a general philosophical outlook that has served me well over the decades in terms of long-term mental health and well-being. I have never let the shit-heads grind me down and never will, although I have to concede that my travails pale into absolute insignificance compared with so many others in this world. However, I hope that things pan out well for the Syrians: God knows they deserve a bloody break, and I pray that next year, things - there's the optimist again - will start to turn out for the better, generally. I'm not holding my breath, but neither am I banging my head against the wall...
Winter Solstice: Sat week! That's what we (&you say it yourself) should be celebrating and NOT the possibile birth of a man over two thousand years ago who gave his name to a STILL oppressive "church" and his twin brothers greed and Mamon. The damage to mental health that this shit fest engenders is unbelievable!