I often have cascaded, lucid dreams; usually after my first, deep sleep and when I return to dreamtime in the early hours. Last night I had a pair of dreams that kind of confirmed some suspicions/notions I've held about the dream world we inhabit as we sleep, for some considerable time now. However, the difference last night was that the analysis of the first, key dream and the insights it gave me, was done by me in the second dream, which followed the first after returning to sleep. On finally waking properly in the morning, the form and structure of the first dream kind of made sense in the light of the second, and shed a good deal of light on the many recurring themes and structures of my dreamtime over my entire life, some of which have been very weird, but utterly, magnificently, cinematic in nature, particularly when I was very young.
In last night's first dream, I was sea-kayaking [at least the vessel was a sea-kayak, anyway] on some very still, very shallow, waters in some unspecified coastal location with a rocky promontory to my right and visible, relatively small, exposed boulders, around which I was paddling, without any actual paddle in hand. Beneath me in crystal clear waters no more than two feet deep, was a pod of Orca, circling and obviously not in the same spacial realm as me, even though the whole scene was a contiguous whole.
In the second, subsequent dream, I experienced one of my usual recurrences; either driving or climbing through situations where the physical world is distorted dimensionally and temporally: common enough in my dreamtime, but this time I was analysing the first dream in the light of the twisted reality of the second, whilst sinking into ever deeper water in a car that I was futilely attempting to drive back to shore. On waking - finally - I came to the conclusion that we can and do dream in at least four dimensions, with time and space folded in on itself. Kind of makes sense to me now. By the way, I have never kayaked, ever, in any way, shape or form, and to boot, I physically experienced both vehicle driving and sex long before I had engaged in either activity for real; in dreamtime. Trust me, they were real experiences based on subsequent real life. Go figure as they say...
And you reduce our eyes to Box Brownies and our brians to mainframes!!
ReplyDeleteI wonder how; oh you can hold opposing views!!:)
Not reductive, but comparative...
DeleteComparasons are odious and confusing
ReplyDeleteNo they're not...