I often have cascaded, lucid dreams; usually after my first, deep sleep and when I return to dreamtime in the early hours. Last night I had a pair of dreams that kind of confirmed some suspicions/notions I've held about the dream world we inhabit as we sleep, for some considerable time now. However, the difference last night was that the analysis of the first, key dream and the insights it gave me, was done by me in the second dream, which followed the first after returning to sleep. On finally waking properly in the morning, the form and structure of the first dream kind of made sense in the light of the second, and shed a good deal of light on the many recurring themes and structures of my dreamtime over my entire life, some of which have been very weird, but utterly, magnificently, cinematic in nature, particularly when I was very young. In last night's first dream, I was sea-kayaking [at least the vessel was a sea-kayak, anyway] on some very still, very shallow, waters in s...