Meat & Potatoes


As mentioned last night, here's last night's repast. Lamb steak and potatoes: note token vegetable matter. The potatoes were peeled and sliced into 1/4" rounds, just like my mom's homemade chips used to be, which gives a good volume to surface area ratio for cooking, looks different and well, is frankly easier than cutting batons out of ellipsoid solids. They were dried off, well salted with sea salt, and blanched in freshly-boiled water for about ten minutes, dried again and marinated in olive oil, lemon juice and garlic paste before being cooked in the air fryer for about twenty-five minutes. Meanwhile, the lamb was seasoned, and marinated in Sharwarma kebab paste and the leftover potato marinade until the potatoes were done. About eight minutes per side in the air-fryer for the lamb, and Bob's yer dad's brother [as usual, don't forget to rest the meat for at least half the cooking time before serving, preferably longer]. Lovely juicy spiced meat and gorgeous potatoes: no real need for a sauce, due to the sheer amount of olive oil in the whole shebang. Carrots along for the ride! Pukka(!) and a piece of piss to put together [on the fly, as usual]. I love cooking this kind of food...


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