Another Time...

I took the photos above - as you might guess - in 1984 [the composite image/text is much more recent, on rediscovery of the print]. It was meant originally as a contact sheet for the guys in the photo, who were locally-based musicians: The Carriers, a name which carried much freight during the AIDS era of the 1980's. I've no idea what happened to them subsequently as my life moved on to other things, and as they lived out at the Old Rectory in Llanfaelog in the west of Anglesey, and having no car in those days, it was a bit of a faff to get to and from. Anyhow, I've always liked the end result of the shoot, simple as it was, and I think it works as a composite image. I shot the pictures in 6x9 on Ilford HP5, using an MPP 5x4 view camera with a roll-film back, for the technically-minded. It's strange to think how long ago it was though. I was just shy of thirty at the time and the guys a bit younger than that. Sad to say, at forty years distance in time, I just don't remember their names. I guess if they're still around, they'll both be in their sixties by now...


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