
Sorry to burden you with yet another - sort of - cooking post, but it's been a couple of days of getting the car sorted - still alas not quite resolved - which has involved a good deal of physical exercise on my part [not a bad thing] as while I'm waiting for the garage to get stuff done, I simply walk: a habit that I've had since childhood. While living through my youth and college days, I walked. Around Birmingham city centre, along the canals and out to the suburbs; or, as a hungover student, out as far as Dudley along the canal, to ease the pain of overindulgence with a great Madras curry and three chappati at the Shah Bagh restaurant [blog posts passim]: worshipping at one of my temples of spice and flavour and bringing salve to the ailing fool that I was.

Walking. The best and least invasive and injurious form of exercise there is outside of swimming. Taking life a step at a time, at the pace most suited to appreciating the world around you. At a pace that suits introspection and meditation. At a pace. Interesting that the word pace is the Latin for peace. Anyhow, today's plans having been thrown somewhat awry by automotive bollocks, I decided to jazz up a few simple foodstuffs and the above resulted. Chilli-roast chicken thighs, Greek lemon potatoes, and a fresh salsa of cider vinegar-and-oil-dressed red peppers, tomato and onion with coriander. There you go: walk a lot, chuck some food together and write about it. It's good for the soul...


  1. I walk, therefore I am.

    Solvitur Ambulando.


  2. Walking is not without its downsides, replacement hips & knees. A cousin of mine is onto his knee replacements after both hips! I met a guy once with long scars on his right forearm, when I asked how he'd got them, he was an NHS surgeon, he said that he was addicted to fly fishing. I sympathised and asked how he coped after the operation, when he couldn't fish, he pulled up his left sleeve to reveal the same scars and said that he'd taught himself to be ambidexterous!!!
    I spent a LOT of my time in or underwater and I've never heard of a swimmer or diver needing replacement hips or knees; we were in water we are supported by it. Water of life has many meanings!
    Long walks punish the joints buy it's a lifestyle choice!


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