Drip, Drip, Drip...

Pictured in the gloom of a late October afternoon here at Fairview Heights: my studio workshop roof newly clad in a fetching blue tarp - for some weird reason, my iPhone has rendered it in mauve, but life's too short to piss around with editing it for accuracy - that doesn't quite cover the whole shebang and will need another similarly-sized sheet overlaid in the opposite direction to finish the job. However, it means that for tonight at least, the place is now leakproof. I still have plans to stick a corrugated fibre roof on the poor old structure - I built it fourteen years ago, and it shows - but my budget doesn't currently allow for it. However, at least one winter of no leaks will be a welcome change! Keep you posted on progress...


  1. Snow loads mate?
    Oh I have some Pinch points today where I could use some help mate! 12:00 @ Bangor & 14:00 @ lock-up
    There’s a minor one late morning to drop off my 206cc and a water tank in Mill St.
    Please let me know if you can help.


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