Sunday, Sunday...


OK, I was intending an update on various bits and bobs that I've got going on at the moment, but I ended up in the kitchen, rustling up the above. Sunday afternoon has become a a sort of domestic Ready, Steady Cook in Fairview Heights; with Jane arriving home from work with a bag of random ingredients from the M&S just below where she works at the British Heart Foundation in Bangor. Today it was belly-pork strips - a go-to in this house, anyway - baking potatoes, and some rather fine carrots.

So, we have - had - belly pork roasted with apple, and sage leaves from the garden; the now ubiquitous roasted Greek potatoes in lemon juice, olive oil and garlic - oodles of all of them - and boiled, buttered carrots, topped with a crude but extremely tasty sauce of the meat juices deglazed with white wine, with the squeezings from the roasted garlic and apple added; and the result thickened with butter. All, as is usual in my kitchen, seasoned well with decent sea salt and black pepper. Yummy. More on my other stuff tomorrow...


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