Palm Sunday

I know I bang on about the joys of analogue, and yes, I do like to buy up all manner of stuff in this department, both old and new: I am a collector at heart, it's the OCD in me; but I also like retro digital tech too. I've got all manner of obsolescent stuff lurking in various places in Fairview Heights - a bone of some domestic contention from time to time, but it's OK as all my stuff is essentially stock for resale if I get bored with it - and I'm currently bidding for a Palm Pilot on eBay. I used to own one of these little gems twenty-odd years ago, but gave it away to a friend when I bought my first 'smartphone', a Sony Ericsson P-something, which was a significant step up from my combo of the Palm and my Nokia 6310i [which BTW I still consider to be the apogee and apotheosis of mobile phone technology]. I kind of want the Palm, as the friend I gave my original away to is no longer with us, and so it would represent a reference point in my timeline and a kind of link to my old mate. However, there seems to be an overenthusiastic counter bidder in the fray, so if I lose this one, it's not a difficult device to track down. Keep you posted...


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