Give Them (and us all) a Break

It's funny - no, actually it's not; it's just plain tiresome - how the UK Labour Party, of which I've been a member for most of my life, is always castigated for its supposed failings, either when in office [seldom] or in opposition [generally the default case]. We are mere weeks into a new Labour government, and the carping - from both ends of the political spectrum - has started ramping up through the gears yet again. The economic and social shit-heap that the outgoing Tory [administration(?) - not worthy of the term] government [ditto] left in their wake is of such magnitude that it will take at least two terms of government for the current incumbents to even scratch the surface of it; so don't even try and tell me that they are failing already. They've barely had chance to pick up the baton and run with it.

Even the Left have been weighing in on the government's tax and spend proposals, fer Chrissakes, arguing that the party has abandoned the principles and aims laid out in its manifesto for more austerity, à la Cameron, et al. Whilst on the other hand, the rabid numpties on the Right are blindly and without reason, accusing them of tax rises that haven't even happened yet, whilst blithely ignoring their own dismal record of their fourteen years of misrule. They taxed the people of this archipelago to the hilt whilst paring public spending, health and welfare to the bare bone, in order to feed the bank accounts of their mates: and now they've the brass neck to accuse Labour of 'cow-towing' to their - in their words - 'union paymasters'. Dear God, what a fucking [totally fallacious] cliché that is. Leave it out. Both sides of the fence, just give the buggers a chance, will you?


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