What a...
So, Sunak's mentalist National Service concept for our eighteen-year-olds idea is, to quote most of the media coverage on the thing, '...meant to appeal to the over-65s...'. I'm now approaching seventy, and neither am I a Tory voter - see just about any of my blog posts for confirmation of that simple fact - or anywhere old enough to have had any direct experience of the post-war National Service Programme that they imagine our demographic will be nostalgically be misty-eyed about: I was still at junior school when they got shut of the damned thing, fer chrissakes. As far as I can remember, the previous generation weren't exactly keen on the idea of peacetime conscription either, largely making themselves as useless as possible at whatever allotted tasks or rĂ´les they were assigned to, if so conscripted. Any hopes he has of winning over the legions of socialist pensioners such as us - and all of our social ambit - are doomed to failure, as I would rather string myself up than vote Conservative. Methinks he has misread and mis-stepped yet again...
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