Back To Blue

Been a bit of a mixed batch of skies today: at six this morning, the sky was blue and cloudless, the sun shining. Through the morning it clouded over and became quite overcast. We'd already decided to have a less strenuous day today and the two of us drove into Pwllheli to mooch around the shops for a couple of hours, whilst Carol & Kevin headed over towards Aberdaron for the day. We bought a couple of books from a lovely little bookshop we usually frequent when down this way, and the town is always a pleasant place to visit in general. The only downer this year is finding that there was only one operating bank left, with the only other closed for 'renovation', leaving just one cashpoint in the main streets, and the bookshop only accepts cash. Chwarae teg [fair play] to him though, as we should really try and use more of the stuff before it disappears altogether.

Stopped off at Abersoch - rammed to the gunwhales as usual by tourists with money and big cars - for groceries, on our way back to the cottage. From there we moved on to Llanengan for a light lunch and a drink or two at The Sun Inn: delightfully, mostly unchanged in the forty-some years we've been going there - Jane even longer, as her father liked to frequent the place when they were on family holidays - a proper pub with good ale and sensibly-priced and good basic grub to boot: always a pleasure to visit. Thence home for some Post Office Enquiry on catch-up. We'll see what tomorrow brings as we wind the week down to our return the short distance back home to Rachub. Oh, and now, early evening, the wind has dropped and the sky is back to a glorious shade of azure. Keep you posted...


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