Sister Ray

Ray Keats - aka Ann Key - local artist & family friend, died this morning. She'd been ill for some years, but never let it get in the way of her work or of tending to the massive network of friends, colleagues and fans she had accumulated over the decades. Her house on the High Street of Rachub, just below where we live - a former cockle factory(!) - bought many years ago when she and her late husband Ronald moved here from Manchester to set up home in Yr Achub, is currently still home to her paintings and drawings, and the front window displays her work, including the last drawing she made in hospital, just days before she died. Her good friend Colin has been a diamond in her latter years, looking out for her and just being there when she needed him. She will be much missed by this tiny community of ageing bohemians up here in the hills, but suffice it to say, George, her cat, will be well looked after now she's gone.


  1. amazing woman well loved by all the community and her window a resting point half way up the hill Ray was a very special friend to me and helped me through some difficult times RIP Ray

  2. RIP lovely lady x

  3. Lovely tribute. Ray shall be missed by many. Echoing gratitude to Colin. Knowing George the cat will be well-looled after indeed. Ray leaves behind such a legacy in her fabulous artwork. Such a talented and inspiring woman.


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