

New Year's Day and the Yule log is replaced by something of slightly better utility: proper logs. We were running low until Rob - timing perfect - rolled up with seven more bags for us. Although it's not particularly cold out - just torrential rain, as seems to be the winter norm these days - it's nice to keep the house cosy. I think it probably is prudent that we overstock for next winter during the next few months, and so I aim to fill not only the woodshed and the log store to capacity, let alone the conservatory pile, but to build more storage yet, down the bottom garden.

I also need to supplement my personal income for next year's cottage rental downtime, as the three months we close for the winter break really bashes my state pension. The cost of staying warm and keeping the cottage aired for the break - it would be false economy not to keep the place dry - is, at the moment, frankly horrendous; but I think a bit of judicious planning between now and next autumn should suffice to smooth things out come next Yuletide. Anyhow, Blywyddyn Newydd Dda i chi gyd, and may the road rise up to meet you on your travels through 2024.


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