

OK - pictured is my latest - it won't be the last - modification to my table-saw. But first, I must comment on the curry I've just eaten. It was the frozen remainder of one I made and posted about back in May. We've been clearing one of the freezers out, and it turned out to be lurking at the bottom of a pile of stuff, frozen in a bag. The only reason it stood out was because I'd marked it up with the date of freezing, and the appellation "Bostin' Chicken Curry". Looking back through this year's posts, I see that I'd dedicated the recipe to my late, great friend, Johnny Kyte, God rest him, a curry aficionado if ever there was one. I'd like to think he would have approved.

However, the table-saw thingy is something I've been chewing over for ages, since I bought the track slider - the thing in the track shown - from Rutlands, earlier in the year. I had no particular idea for its use at the time, other than vague notions of projects it could be pressed into service for. I've decided that it will form the basis for a mitre/cross-cut sled to replace the rather crappy devices I use at present, and which hopefully will render the less-than-parallel tracks I installed rather poorly - you live and learn - when I made the new table top, redundant at last. Keep you posted: Oh, and the recipe for the curry? Here it is... 


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