Sleeves Rolled Up


Pictured, the current chaos in the main workshop in the studio: stuff just waiting to be stored; the storage inadequate and poorly organized. At the bottom of the picture, the collection of shiny stuff is the makings of two more shelving units awaiting construction. Before they are assembled, however, I need to rearrange the current shelving units, which I'm going to set up, library stacks fashion, end-on to the outside of the metalwork shop, where the stuff currently on the right of the picture is bolted back to the wall. This should give me a much more compact and concentrated storage regime, without reducing the floor real estate in front of my bench too much. This will all involve a lot of shuffling, swearing and moving, but it has to be done, as the place is pretty much largely unusable as is. I'll keep you posted on progress: tomorrow is day one of Project Get-Your-Act-Together...


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