Just Stop Tories!


A Prime Minister's mansion is draped - peacefully and without malicious damage - in black cloth, representing oil, the very lucrative pie that his family's business interests have fingers in. He and his family are currently on holiday in the US, and so missed out on all the fun, at least directly. This is the bloke who offered the 'solutions' to a radio phone-in caller experiencing severe financial stress regarding his ballooning mortgage repayments/fuel bills/overheads generally - despite being gainfully employed in decently-paying work but unable to cope - with the airheaded ideas of mortgage extension (the caller was already on a thirty-five-year repayment as it was) or, far worse still, converting his loan to an interest-only mortgage.

This advice from someone with a bank balance of over three-quarters of a billion pounds, who also happens to hold the reins of this country's government. An interest-only mortgage. The least responsible, riskiest form of borrowing against capital imaginable. And this from a Tory Prime Minister. I ask you. And the media and both sides of the House choose to get all of a fluster about the Greenpeace protest at Sunak's manor house whilst cheerfully not getting wound up about such cavalier advice from the one person whom you would think should know bloody-well better. Get a sodding grip people; who's doing the most damage here, Sunak and his government or Greenpeace? And don't get me started on fecking nuclear investments and green rollbacks...


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