Time To Take Stock...


You've got to ask yourself the question: "For the vast majority of the population of this archipelago - i.e. normal, struggling folk, does this government serve any real function whatsoever?" - and the uncomfortable answer is: "No, none...". They don't seem to know, want or care that a significant majority of their electorate are staring hardship, if not abject penury, straight down both barrels. Predictions that a six-percent base rate could be the new norm for some considerable time; an overheated housing market, and banks continuing to take the piss with savers' interest rates, all conspire to hit the very kind of demographic that the Thatcher government targetted with right-to-buy, cheap share offers on previously publicly-owned utilities, &etc., hard in the pocket. The Tories serve none but the rich, never have done: and the aspiring middle and working-class voters that have somehow managed to keep them in power for so long, are now starting to feel the pinch. Let's hope their Tory votes disappear as rapidly as the contents of their bank accounts at the next General Election.

The NHS is seventy-five years old today, but its continued survival as the main plank of a civilized society is in severe doubt, due to the machinations of successive Tory governments in flogging off more and more of its core functions to private companies, and increasingly cutting back on funding for the bits that they know full well they can't sell. If they are allowed to continue as they are for very much longer, it will be too late to rescue it from oblivion; the point of no return is not that far away. The first baby born under the itself newborn NHS, Aneira "Nye" Thomas; was interviewed by the press to mark the anniversary: not only did she fear for the NHS' future, she said that there was no access to any NHS dentist where she lives, near Swansea. She was named after the founding light of the NHS, Aneurin Bevan. She was the first of generations to be born and nurtured under the care of the NHS: who will be the last?

I should mention that the other main plank of our erstwhile civilized society was also bought into being by a Welshman: David Lloyd George. He had many, many faults, not least of which being a corrupt bugger; but for that one achievement alone - the welfare state - we should all be grateful. Hwyl fawr...


  1. I find my "nose out of joint" Kel. Because she may have been the first to be born under the NHS but that obviates the crucial pregnancy! My mother and I were one of the first pregnancies to be looked after by this great institution, oh and a successful birth! A BTW: in the same NHS hospital where the first Covid death was registered:((
    We are ALL imperfect and to deny that is to deny our very humanity DLG & every politician/person should be remebered for the things that they DID; Thatcher as the kiddies milk steeler! We now know how important nutrition IS and this one cheap and simple act was a central plank in the Welfare State. Plus it HAD to be locally sourced cos we didn't have our current bollocks distribution/production "system" supported by road transport that adds SO much to pollution in many forms! There's more on the A55 "Road to Opprtunity" sh1te.


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