Give Me Strength...


On toe-ing my phone into life this morning - the back's still not brilliant [blog posts, passim] - I was greeted by a tweet by the ever-so-slightly-insane Laurence Fox, having a drollery aimed at the current Greek catastrophe: a climate-denier, right-wing phantactivist and generally weird bloke, as usual spouting utter guff in the face of so much actual, scientifically-proven, peer-reviewed, sodding fact. Later, buying the paper - I still do - I find even more shit on this stupid, stupid government's wobble on climate, simply to feather the already burnt-out nest of their electoral prospects.

Later, Ken, sorry Lord, Clarke on Radio Four this morning, waffling on about what a success the Thatcher government and Tony Blair made of governance, and how the NHS is a 'better service' now, than it ever was! Get te fook, and go back to what you were actually very good at, Ken: presenting a rather fine jazz programme on Radio Two in the evenings: just don't try and sell that tired old Tory patrician fiction to the poor fuckers who actually have to use the health service, or need housing. I could go on, but frankly the whole farrago of modern life just gets bloody tiresome, sometimes. [Incomplete] rant over...


  1. What's been going on with yer phone mate?


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