Nearly Gone...
"It's not that [Boris Johnson] is a serial's just that the truth bores him" - William Atkinson of Conservative Home, interviewed on BBC News this morning... Astounding. The defence of the indefensible by the execrable: essentially stating on national TV that truth and reality are as flexible as the old egotist wants it to be, in his own service, and at the expense of whomever tries to get in the way of his vaulting ambition.
The tone and content of his public rebuttal statement this morning, suggests an underlying mental pathology that should set alarm bells ringing. His paranoia is now clearly manifest, and it is about time he was told there is something seriously with wrong with him, mentally; and analysis followed by treatment the only sensible course, for his and everyone-else's sake: never mind a reboot of his chaotic and disastrous parliamentary career.
The Emperor's New Clothes, his reality-distortion field, his loveable roguishness; whatever you want to call it, has slipped badly since people have actually, finally, stood up to him and told him like it is; descending into nastiness and vitriol flung far and wide. The buckshot in the sawn-off shotgun of his bruised ego is aimed at everyone in general and no-one in particular; the final pitiable roar of a fatally wounded bear. I can't hide my schadenfreude at the sight of it all, but I also don't think this is the last of it: I suspect another chapter is due before the epilogue.
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