Vile Bodies


The Brexit-fetishising, hard-right of the Tory Mess continue their Gadarene rush toward electoral Armageddon, quacking on about 'Socialist Strategies', whilst at the same time admitting that they got caught with their collective drawers around their ankles over their infantile attempt to pervert the course of the local elections via the idiocy of voter ID. Rees-Mogg should have been expelled immediately from the party for that particular treachery/admission of guilt, but, of course, the wealthy are always treated more leniently, no matter their indiscretions; especially High Tories. Unlike him and his ilk, other, more normal people, on the other hand, are striving against the odds, to improve their own lives, and society in general, but yet still have to live with the consequences of their indiscretions; more often than not, disproportionally sanctioned by comparison with the privileged.

The thing is, that common society does exist: there is 'a common good'. This should not be equated, though, with the kind of blind, Little Englander nationalism and knee-jerk bigotry that the right love to thrive on. There has been much bluster and guff emanating from the far right of the Tory Party recently; most pointedly from Suella Braverman, in her utterly mistimed and frankly odious speech to that cabal of extremists that she sees as like-minded colleagues, where she actually came out with the phrase that '...white people shouldn't feel ashamed...'. So, colonialism was simply good capitalism; slavery was just a business opportunity with collateral damage unfortunately unrecognized until it was too late: has it ever been, truly, recognized by these people?

And what about the utter, senseless destruction of a functioning welfare state, simply because, in their twisted terms, it was somehow uneconomic to run? On whose terms, and by what real-world measures? It worked perfectly damned-well through the first two-thirds of my long-ish lifetime; but of course, they farmed the whole thing out to big business on efficiency - read profitability - grounds. The economy has tanked under this lot's rule, simply because of this kind of cynical outsourcing to their quick profit chumocracy: is this what we can expect from the so-called party of business and fiscal prudence? Of course it is, but they still couldn't run a lemonade stall at a bring and buy fair: they're only in it for the short-term money and status that government affords them. They are basically silver-spoon-gobbed frauds, benefitting from that oh-so British forelock-tugging deference to class that still holds so much sway over our society. The bottom line, of course, is not innate superiority - ha, ha, bloody ha - but money, mammon, lucre, dosh, &etc. Vile.

Never mind the toxic societal effects of Brexit that the lying Tory toads and their supplicants foisted on the public, with their flag-waving, isolationist, Johnny Foreigner-bating bullshit: the real reason for all of this damage is there, now, in plain sight. The rich boys hedged their investment portfolios when the public voted leave - of course, in their eyes, only investment and wealth management count as 'real business' (work?) - and they are leveraged to the very hilt. They will have to come up with some other money-hoarding strategy sharpish if we ever get back in, or at least close to, the EU and the trade market we've pissed down the river. To top it all, they made appallingly cynical hay whilst the pandemic shined on their bank balances, and took everyone else's eyes off the ball, to boot. Time to leave, shitheads...

In the last week, we have welcomed guests from around Europe, staying with us: all young professionals, here to engage with us and our society, and to spend money, contributing to the economy of Wales, and to the greater part of the UK. They certainly don't appear to have the same poisoned view of us as a nation as do a significant number of the UK's press, politicians and public do regarding the EU. They might wonder what the fuck we've been doing over the last few years, but they are at least courteous enough not to mention our apparent national lunacy out loud, unless prompted.


  1. The WHOLE of the "Press" are biased don't waste your time mate AND don't give 'em the "Oxygen of profit"; it IS the ONLY power that we the people own! BTW Trade is mainly for the rich and established.


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