Unclear Fission


The current internecine squabbles between the two main Tory factions continue. Team Rishi & Team Boris(!) - as characterized by the Conservative Democratic (there's a laugh, Tories and democracy are mutual strangers) Organization, the cut-price 'Take Back Control, the Tory Party is far too socialist' splinter group, are pitted against each other in what can only be described as a completely bloodless and frankly bathetic fury; desiring a coup d'état, but not wanting to further embarrass themselves with yet another leadership change, along with its concomitant electoral damage. On the perhaps more cerebral (I'm sorry...) side of the Team Boris faction, The National Conservatism - a rather more upmarket grouping - bunch seem blithely uncaring, or simply unaware, of the dark linguistic and historical overtones resonant in the self-penned title of their movement, let alone the content of some of their more odious speeches.

Whatever path they choose, they're buggered. All the opposition need to do for the next few months is to push steadily on policy and avoid the kind of crass missteps that the Tories seem completely unable to stop making, until the far side of the next general election. I'd rather not see a Labour landslide - I think it unlikely, anyway, but you never know - as a period of coalition with - most likely - the Lib-Dems might see us return to the kind of boring, slow-paced government we desperately need to get things back on track, and maybe we can finally push towards electoral reform and some manner of proportional representation: although I'm not holding my breath on that one. All we need for the next couple or three Parliamentary terms is stable and sensible governance, and the utter chaos and economic despoilment wreaked by these so-called 'conservatives' reversed, or at least reined in...


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