Not in My Name, Sirrah!


It doesn't look like anything resembling reality is going to settle on us any time soon, particularly as England has done what it always does best when facing unrest: chuck in pageantry by the bucket-load and trade on its history and 'tradition', viz, the coronation of one Charles III. And this against a backdrop of low wages, high inflation, soaring food prices and an increasingly marginalized populace - at least those earning below fifty grand a year - whose voice is lost in the Babel of right wing bullshit that pretends to be news coverage. Meanwhile, the strikes and protests continue, blithely dismissed by the government as the problem itself, to be 'solved' by Draconian legislation curbing our rights to free speech and peaceful protest.

Chuck into the mix a government so hopelessly out of touch even with itself and its own party, let alone the task at hand - actually governing - face-planting at the English local elections, and yet trying at every turn to spin the results as positive; a Tory Parliamentary Party now so divided that the least intelligent of this tragically incapable bunch are now seeking to insist that the PM stands aside and allow Boris bleedin' Johnson back into Number Ten, I ask you. All I can say is that if that's what you want, then bring it on, but be careful what you wish for. The useful idiot of the Right serves no master but himself: the Lord of Misrule will as likely bring down his own house as any other: Loki in an ill-fitting suit and bad haircut.

As for Labour and the rest of the opposition, they did well at the locals last week, although the pollsters rule out an absolute Labour majority at the next general election, suggesting a Labour majority hung parliament to be the most likely outcome. Possibly true, but based on the government's performance to date, I think it highly likely that they will continue to damage both the country, its economy and their political reputation, even further over the coming months. Labour, however, can't afford complacency, or indeed the hubris of assuming a triumphant landslide next time round, and dis-counting the idea of a coalition with the Lib Dems at this early a stage is a tad naive. We'll see when the time comes, eh?


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