Currying Flavour


I was going to comment further on the disturbing rise of National Conservatism, a wholly self-contradictory hodgepodge of half-witted 'ideas' emanating from the rather nastier circles of the Right: the un-deodourized armpit of world politics; but I won't tonight, as it would probably upset my digestion of the rather spectacular improvised curry that I cooked yesterday: it was good then, but even better tonight. I'd signally failed to get myself something in to eat yesterday, so I trawled the freezer - as you do - for something to form the centre of a hastily improvised meal. I knew I had some frozen roti, so the staples were taken care of; I also had two jars of Patak's spice pastes that I'd bought to try and recreate my infamous 'Dangerous Mushrooms' (still on my to-do list), some butter ghee, and various whole spices, including dried Kashmiri chillies. Oh, and the remnants of a pot of Waitrose's finest Greek Yoghurt (10% Fat!). I found a couple of chicken breasts in the freezer, along with the roti, so I set to, with the aid of a large brown onion, a clove or two of garlic, and with the aforesaid ingredients, managed to oh-so-nearly approximate the Holy Grail of a Brummagem Madras curry: and a not-half bad one at that. When I've collected my thoughts on the matter, I'll post the recipe, so you can have a bash, too. Nos da, frindiau...


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