Capel Garmon


As promised yesterday, we escaped the Coronation coverage - and the crowds - by seeking out the rather well-preserved remains of the Capel Garmon Burial Grounds, near Betws Y Coed. In typical fashion, we nearly didn't find it, despite our guidebook, OS map and iPhones; but, sticking to the compass bearing, knowing our altitude was there or thereabouts, and following the call of the first cuckoo we've heard this year, we crested a ridge, and there it was in all its glory. The promised rain didn't materialize, it was warm, and we had avoided the hoo-ha playing out in London. We weren't the only escapees from the event, either: a party of people rather younger than us appeared from the other direction just as we arrived at the site: it turns out you can drive to within actual sight of the monument, around five minutes walk away, from the Capel Garmon end. Still, that wouldn't have been an adventure at all, would it? I did take a What3Words location in the centre of the thing, but I'm not letting on: the fun's in the finding...


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