Auto Defenestrator On, Captain...


Well, I say I have to take great heart that it would appear that even that rag, The Sun, is turning against and deserting the rapidly imploding Tory Party [The Opinion Matrix, today's i]: gotta be a sign that a change for the better - or at least far-less-worse - is in the offing. If the right of the party keep on going further right and continue to disavow increasingly large swathes of party policy, their chances of re-election will become vanishingly small and may even result in the party splitting into rival factions.

This can only be good for the majority of hard-pressed and right-thinking UK citizens, already so near breaking point at the ham-fisted hands of these political no-marks. Here's hoping Braverman, Patel and Rees-Mogg continue to undermine Sunak's premiership and conspire successfully enough to finally break up the (un)natural party of government: the next General Election can't come soon enough, or as my spell-checker has just offered me as an alternative, the next General Ejection.


  1. Sunak doing a pretty good job at torpedoing himself: With only a hint of "I'm with the FARMERS because I LIVE in Yorkshire" irony he hosted a gathering of food PRODUCERS (No Farmers) at No 10 complete with straw bales to kitch up the dump. The food "industry" has had YEARS to dissipate the supply lines so as to disguise where the increases in profits GO!!!

  2. He wouldn't know one end of a spud from the other: P&L and balance sheets are all he 'knows'...


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