Mists and Mellow Benchfulness...


The mists descendeth this post-noon, in a kind of Dartmoor-ish, Sherlockian vibe. But, indoors, in the comparative comfort of the studio, progress is being made on The Bench. I've got the basic structure bolted together and have started laying out roughly how I'm going to use it. This will of course change repeatedly, as is my usual wont; but I have discovered that the weak point, stability-wise, is not the bench itself, which weighs a creditable number of kilos: rather it's the studio structure itself. It really is just a ginormous, glorified garden shed in construction. So I've got some serious bracing to do to stop the gable wall flexing every time I give something welly on the bench. More weight, more coach screws, and more triangulation are required. No problem. Keep you posted...


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