Commensurate Rewards...
Snooker's a funny old game: play it well enough these days, and you will make a fair bit of dosh out of it: and fair play - chwarae teg, as we say round here - at least such rewards are commensurate with the level of raw talent required to get to the top of the game's earning pile. Not quite so with the absurd remunerations demanded by the CEOs of this world, a breed of ridiculously self-entitled individuals such as we've never seen to date. Remember, these people are not the arse-out entrepreneurs of old, staking their entire lives and fortunes on some speculative and risky venture in order to build their fortunes, but rather the golden-parachuted-in-three-year-tenure temporary holders of entirely fictive job posts, looking to cash out with as much dough as possible for the least possible effort and move on to the next gravy train offered by the idiots who run this world. Give me snooker every time...
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