Almost Sprung Spring...

It looks like Spring might soon be upon us, and although the twelve degrees Celsius on the garden thermometer feels like a falsehood given how chilly it feels, the sunshine and birdsong both seem to be pointing in the right direction. We've missed the worst of the storms of the last few days, although the day before yesterday was a bit biblical, rainfall-wise, to be honest. Even the tulips are trying to open, which is always a good sign; although the stunted, infant Clematis we planted for the side-garden arch a couple of years ago is a tad tardy in coming into flower. That could just mean that this year we might see some blooms on it for more than ten milliseconds: since we planted it, the weather has conspired to strip it clean as soon as the poor thing came into flower. Methinks it's the wrong place for it, but let's see, eh? At least the pots by the front door are well in the vanguard and herald warmer days to come...


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