All Is Clay...

 OK - the current retrospective of Lucie Rie's work at Kettle's Yard in Cambridge has been flagged and reviewed by news organs various from the FT to The New Statesman. Rie's work as a ceramicist is an oeuvre in itself: a unique artist that that one might imagine that the term 'potter' would be doing a disservice to. But I beg to differ: pottery is foundational to the history of our species: the need for functional containers for our foodstuffs and drink is only a very small part of the history of ceramics. The very fact that 'non-functional' decoration of such vessels was routine, parallels the other, early and also, superficially 'non-functional' practices of cave decoration: the "I am here!" statements made by our ancestors: the need and desire to impose our individuality on the world has always been a motivating imperative. Pottery is not simply artisan craft: in the right hands, it is transcendental. I was going to make a more profound post about this stuff: I was intending to chuck in some comparatives with Abstract Expressionism, 1960s critical art theory, blah, blah, blah; but to be frank, I'm too knackered. I'll maybe return to this thread another day... Lucie Rie rocks, anyway!


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