Nitrous Daze


How lowest common denominator of the Tories to attempt to deflect from their many current woes by resorting to their native default positions: law 'n' order and the war on 'drugs'. Not only are they content with demonizing desperate people attempting to find sanctuary in this archipelago - planning all manner of inhuman incarceration and deportation schemes for the poor sods - they are now going to 'crack down' on anti-social behaviour. Yes, that tired old catch-all that saw much service in the Thatcher years of the 1980s: basically, just find some minor irritant to amplify into a demon of society-threatening proportions, with the cynical aid of the gutter press on the right.

Just what 'demon' are they now focussing on - given a gut-shot economy, education, health and social services in total disarray and in danger of imminent collapse: their own government so riven with corruption and grift as to resemble the Cosa Nostra or Yakuza, rather than any kind of 'natural party of government' - one might ask? Nitrous Oxide. Laughing Gas. Really. Criminalizing NOS for 'nonmedical' use. Really, I ask you. And the principal Tory press mouthpiece pontificating on the evils of this obviously dangerous and anti-social substance? One Michael Gove, known Class A drug user of note: viz snorter of Colombian marching powder, AKA, cocaine. Pot, kettle, black. Just where this leaves the car performance enthusiasts and whipped cream addicts, I can't imagine. Honestly...


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