What a Load of Crap...

It's now a fact of life. We have reached an impasse between all the very many problems that need - no, are screaming out - to be solved and getting our government to address anything with either sense of urgency, or indeed any degree of success when action is finally taken, whatsoever. As Jane said this evening, it would be nice if they could just focus on seeing even one thing through to conclusion; rather than proposing this, forecasting that, and predicting the other. That is not the substance of governance. The Second Coming of the Messiah came and went, only to be postponed to some future, amended date: predictions and projections in politics and the economy are the stuff of election campaigns or religious dogma, not government.

This shower has held an unassailable majority and stranglehold on power since that shock-haired lunatic Old-Etonian got his landslide, building on an already well-established period of Tory government. And in thirteen years, what exactly have they - pandemic and war in Ukraine [tired, tired excuses] notwithstanding - achieved? Well, they've made a very good stab at undermining the legal and moral rights of the vast majority of the UK's populace, hard-won over the last two-hundred years; chucked a tactical nuclear weapon into the melting pot of the world economic system, and overseen the almost total deconstruction of all that was good and right about this archipelago. There's shit in the sea, there's shit in our rivers, and there's shit in Westminster. All in all, chaps; a right shit-show. Job done: time to go...


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