No Rest, No Rust...


Just laying out some old six-inch quarry tiles we've had lying about since we moved here twenty years ago; to extend the hearth beyond the reclaimed slate slab, so that we can bring out the new wood stove further into the room. I've glued a temporary batten to the floor, so that I can work to that to allow for the marked differences in dimensions and thicknesses that the eclectic mix of tiles - some mid-twentieth century, some nineteenth - exhibit. Also, there's the need to level them up to the slate, which will require a decent depth of mortar, so the fixed guide will be helpful. As I've said before; the hideous, if remarkably resilient, carpet, is going, and I'll be laying a wooden floor as its replacement. Oh, and I've still the installation of the stove's flue and roof termination to sort out. Keep you posted...


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