In a Ditch-ley


Well, there we are, then. The great and the good yet again anointing themselves as arbiters of truth and sensibility. I refer, of course, to the 'secret' ['tweren't very well secreted, methinks...] cross-party meeting at Ditchley Park about how best to salvage the wreckage of the Brexit shit show. A good idea, you might say, and in principle I would agree: someone, somewhere has to address the economic, political and legal black hole that our stupidly hasty exit from the EU has left us to deal with.

However, the make-up of the attendees of the meeting does beg a few questions; not least, as Jane pointedly and very pertinently outlined this afternoon: where is the representation of small business in this hastily-assembled claque of market followers and capitalist apologists? Given the oft-trotted out fact, [by your humble narrator, to name but one of a cast of thousands] that the vast majority of business-people active in the UK [95%-ish by number at any one time], generate a fifth or more of the nation's wealth and a very significant proportion of its employment; you would think that they might have thought to include a rep from The Federation of Small Businesses at the very least.

And, while we're at it, where was the representation for the Trades Unions on behalf of the true wealth creators of this archipelago? Where was the representation for the public services that actually keep these islands working? As always, the big boys and girls, with their big toys and big numbers, get to tell the majority what's good for us. It simply t'in't right, t'in't fair, and certainly t'in't proper. This is not representation, just another bloody think-tank. Again, the location chosen for this shindig says it all... 


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