

I'm not sure about hyperspace, not necessarily because I just can't comprehend the Mathematics that is necessary to describe, let alone understand it, but because I'm actually unsure that I don't exist/not exist on multiple planes of multidimensional reality/non-reality already. Let's face it, we live in a world that should make sense - it used to, when I was a kid - but simply, now, doesn't. Our current slice of 'reality' reminds me of the incessant anxiety dreams that I still get: mostly relating to a work environment that I retired from two and a half years ago. Considering I only worked for the outfit for a mere sixteen years, I resent the psychological impact that it's had on me since.

I've done and achieved so much more with the rest of my life, and I'm a bit hacked off with my brain for being so hung up on that one period of my it, but whatever, I move on, as always. I wish, however, we could move on, similarly, in the world of politics and our economy. If that should entail moving through a non-dimensional slit between two distinct, but touching, dimensions, then so be it; but it would be far better that the actors involved in our current political dimension sorted out exactly what it is they really should be doing here and now, in our present, tangible dimension, without having to be prompted at every step, like infants in a Nativity play. You have the con, Mr. Sulu, warp-factor-let's-get-outta-here...


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