I'm not sure about hyperspace, not necessarily because I just can't comprehend the Mathematics that is necessary to describe, let alone understand it, but because I'm actually unsure that I don't exist/not exist on multiple planes of multidimensional reality/non-reality already. Let's face it, we live in a world that should make sense - it used to, when I was a kid - but simply, now, doesn't. Our current slice of 'reality' reminds me of the incessant anxiety dreams that I still get: mostly relating to a work environment that I retired from two and a half years ago. Considering I only worked for the outfit for a mere sixteen years, I resent the psychological impact that it's had on me since. I've done and achieved so much more with the rest of my life, and I'm a bit hacked off with my brain for being so hung up on that one period of my it, but whatever, I move on, as always. I wish, however, we could move on, similarly, in the world of polit...