Untitled, Xmas, Day Three...
Tonight I find myself still full of a foul winter cold - the first since pre-covid - and quite grumpy. I was going to reflect on the axis between belief & faith and agnostic & secular, prompted by a short comment by Trevor Phillips in the i's Opinion Matrix today, but I'll leave that one until my brain's cleared a bit. So, in lieu of that for tonight, here's the text of my email rant to the Lads this evening...
As always: the government screws things up, does fuck-all to even attempt to reverse the damage it's caused, then the hot polloi are asked politely to contribute a ‘modest’ sum per month on Direct Debit for whatever is the struggling cause du jour. Domestically, we now have the vast majority of the population struggling to hang on to any semblance of normal, civilized life, while they themselves are somehow expected to ‘volunteer’ their money and ‘free’ time to help other people in the self-same boat as themselves. Meanwhile, we are experiencing stupidly out of control cost of living increases, fuel rises and inflation, to the point where there seems no conceivable exit from it all. Add to it all the total evisceration of health and social services, transport networks and the most basic of infrastructure; water and sewerage, and we’ve somehow managed to plummet from ‘civilized’ to totally chaotic in less than a decade. All at the hands of the neoliberal fuckwits who see and promote themselves as ‘the masters of the universe’. The only crumb of hope in all of this is the current - growing - wave of industrial discontent and action that actually seems capable of unsettling, if not actually, urgently, unseating the woeful bunch of complacent rich bastards we’ve seen fit to elect and encourage.
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