Legal Aid for the Wealthy & Connected
OK - Hancock and Johnson are both getting their legal fees covered out of the public purse to contest charges various relating to their nefarious activities whilst in public office during Covid: they're not alone in their wrongdoing, so expect more burden on your collective finances to come. Large swathes of legal aid cover were removed by the Tories during their current - and hopefully soon-to-be-curtailed - tenure. Legal aid: put in place so that the under-resourced - read poorer - could at least get decent representation in court, criminal or civil. A kind of National Health Service for the legal sphere, picking up the pieces for those unfortunate enough not to have been born wealthy and connected.
How so that the wealthy and connected Hancock and Johnson are getting public aid to fight against the cases against them of offences against the public offices they held? How so is it that these two, who, let's face it, both have earned, and continue to earn handsomely from essentially their fame and notoriety, get their legal fees paid for out of our pockets? No-one else - at least in the real world - would get away with it. But I forget, these people re-wrote the rulebook as they went along, protected by their bubble of invulnerability: a stupidly-large mandate - bolstered by right-wing media - handed to them on a plate by the very people who will be paying for their day in court: red-wall, working-class Tories: those who will be the first to be dumped and ignored by these bastards. Get a grip: let's get 'em out before they do any more harm...
Misconduct in public office is a serious offence: the public should not be expected to defend those accused of it in the courts, let them pay for their defence out of their own money, however ill-gained.
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