Pork & Ale

A lazy first day to our mini-break, after the fraught couple of days preceding our arrival here: we got up late, mooched and then went for lunch at The Three Tuns in Bishop's Castle. The weather has turned as expected, with a chill mist for most of the day, shrouding those blue, remembered Housman hills from our view. A pleasant and filling repast: for my part, belly pork, soft and fatty; served with grain-mustard-mash, gravy and apple sauce, with side-veg; all washed down with Three Tuns Brewery's fine XXX ale. To quote Pa Larkin: "...perfick." Being doing a lot of reading around ecological economics today, prompted by the obituary in today's Guardian of Herman Daly, which Jane pointed me at; but I'll leave all that on the back-burner for a few days, whilst we're on hols.


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