Boosted, Sort Of...
As I mentioned last night, I had my fourth Covid jab yesterday afternoon. Unusually, the shoulder ache was pretty immediate: it usually takes overnight to kick in. Anyway, thought nothing of it, as I've only experienced very minor side effects to previous jabs, and went about my evening as usual, retiring to bed late evening. Then I woke up at ten to five this morning, feeling as if I'd been thrown down the stairs the previous day. Anyway I've felt pretty vague - nothing new there, then - for most of the day, today, and have spent my time consuming YouTube drivel of various flavours. Of course, there is nothing worse when in the doldrums of lassitude than consuming endless YouTube drivel, further amplifying one's inertia and lack of drive to actually do something. Still, it's done, and tomorrow's another day. Hopefully, there won't be further stabbings in the shoulder for another few months, at least: whatever, ya gotta roll with it: we could all have ended up dead without it. Wine, paracetamol and a good night's kip are all that is needed to get back on track...
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