The Gentle Man Turns...

Well, PMQ's today was yet another nail in the coffin of Liz Truss' government's ambition for longevity. U-turn after U-turn - although on the pension triple-lock front a result for us, and no, that won't be enough to sway this old geezer to vote Tory - and to top it all, another resignation from the Cabinet to boot. Not looking good, folks. The one standout from the week's politics so far, though, was not in Westminster, but in our Senedd, here in Wales. Our First Minister, Mark Drakeford, who leads the Labour government here in Wales and frankly does not normally wear his heart on his sleeve, was tasked over the Welsh NHS' performance by the frankly odious Andrew RT Davies, Leader of the Welsh Conservatives.

What followed was what can only be described as a passionate, incandescent and truly heartfelt rejoinder to the Tory's continued ruination of the NHS, both here in Wales and in the UK generally, over the past decade and more: the overall funding for which is still within the Westminster and (currently) Tory remit. If we had more politicians like Drakeford, Sturgeon and Blackford (and so many others across the opposition) within the two principal political parties in this country, we would be in a much more favourable place, and not staring down the barrel of economic and social disaster. We need to get the Conservatives out: forever... they are frankly no good at conserving anything but their own money and careers: the latter in itself moot as of the last couple of weeks, methinks...


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