New Era? Do Me a Fava - and let's have Chianti...

I'd say, let's eat the rich, given that's all that will be left to the vast majority of this archipelago's inhabitants, given Kwarteng's fuck-all-you-plebs budget statement: only an old Etonian could have stood up and pronounced such a vile and deluded statement as he, today, proffered. Truss - whose agenda is as opaque as her personality, has let loose the Tory attack-dog on our economy, and Christ alone knows where this will lead us. And I don't think the rich would taste too good either.
We've been given a budget that basically allows the already rich to prosper further at the expense of everyone else. A budget which will send state borrowing into the stratosphere at a time when inflation and bank rates would suggest to the prudent - conservative? - mind that borrowing is not exactly a good idea. A budget which cuts taxes - mostly favouring the wealthy. A budget statement which includes union-bashing and penalizing the least well-off of our society [Thatcher, role-model: 'society don't exist folks']. All in all, a bile-inducing piece of shit that deserves to have its perpetrator incarcerated for treason. Unfortunately, the old boy network has clawed its invidious way back into power. It is within the gift of the voting public only to change this. Think on, people...


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