

Just watching "The Post", the film about the Washington Post at the time of the McNamara revelations about the Vietnam War. The attempts of all and sundry to quash the findings of the study, which threw the reputations of Presidents and their advisors and staff, let alone the secret services into grave doubt, are echoed to this day by the shenanigans of governments diverse, not least our own. One day, maybe, we'll be free of this crap, but until that day, it's incumbent on good journalism and moral propriety to bring these people to book, and redress the inequities and, frankly, crimes that the 'great and the good' deem fit to foist on the rest of us in their mad, bad attempts to control the world and mould it into their own image, godlike. They're wrong. We know it. Just shout, but please, please, in an informed way: look to your history and the facts...


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