Wat, Me Worry?

The world really has turned on its head when Michael Gove appears - appears - to be talking sense. He knows his front-bench career is over, so it serves him no good purpose to follow the flock of Truss' acolytes jostling for their future cabinet prospects - in much the same manner as happened with BoJangly and his lickspittles hanging on to his every idiotic pronouncement and retweeting them as tablets from on high - rather, he now seeks to take the somewhat safer ground offered by the slightly less bonkers Rishi Sunak.

Unfortunately for those of us without large asset portfolios and private incomes, multiple homes and access to private jets, yachts, etc., neither candidate has any monetary or fiscal policy whatsoever, cares not a jot about climate change, let alone have the vaguest idea of possible solutions to it, outside of shuffling the deckchairs while we all sink without trace.

The rich might be afforded a little respite from the global catastrophes that are rapidly unfolding before our eyes, but rest assured, if they continue to ignore the plight of the rest of us and our collective home, and do nothing to curb the capitalist excesses that are eating this planet by the day, the pitchforks will come out; except I suspect that next time there's a peasants' revolt, we'll be wielding rather more up-to-date weapons in the service of our survival. That's if nature doesn't do us all in, the rich included, first...


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