There and Back again...


Sort of watching - well, not really, it's on in the background - The Hobbit, which brings to mind the cult of Tolkien at school in the late Sixties and early Seventies. Several of our number took to The Lord of the Rings trilogy, a particularly fine edition of which was housed in the school library.

The most frequent borrower of those volumes was Pete Ridgeway, who I'd known, along with Clive Hill, since infant school; both having moved to George Dixon School Juniors at the age of seven. I've written about mine and Clive's friendship before, but I don't think I've thus far mentioned Pete.

He was always a solid, athletic lad, but by the time we were reunited at senior school, he was creditably leviathan in stature. His outward appearance was impressively intimidating, but to those who really knew him, he was a gentle, if large-boned, aesthete, whose faves were the aforementioned Tolkien and the illustrations of Arthur Rackham.

Whilst still at school, he'd read Lord of the Rings at least three times, and took that fascination with him after leaving, still re-reading it, along with the later-published Silmarillion. I don't know whether he had anything to do with it, but I remember vividly being tasked by a notorious skinhead gang leader, Bricker, at our usual haunt, The Talbot Inn, about The Lord of the Rings. Turned that this erstwhile meathead and ne'er do well was similarly smitten with Tolkien's world of elves and hobbits. Gobsmacked? Just slightly...


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